750 Airway Dr.
Allegan, MI 49010
Contact: Whitney D. Ehresman, Director
[email protected]
Allegan County Transportation provides curb-to-curb service to all of Allegan County.
Wheelchair Lift: yes (800 lb weight limit)
Days and Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 5:30am-7:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
Geographical Area Served: Allegan County (Expanded Service)
Fees/Fares: $2.00 regular rate, $1.00 senior, disabled and child rate
Who We Serve: Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, General Public
How Much Notice is Necessary: 24 hour notice or by 12:00 pm of the business day prior
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Allegan County
Proof of Eligibility: None