121 Martin Luther King Jr. St. SE
Suite 110
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
United States
[email protected]
The Way 2 Go! program provides safe and efficient transportation services to older adults and individuals with disabilities in Kent County. Rides can be scheduled for any purpose, including appointments, employment, stores, social, and recreational engagements. Health and safety measures include social distancing between passengers, masked drivers upon request, and sanitizing between passengers. A $2 minimum ride share is requested per one-way trip, and rides are scheduled based on availability. Way 2 Go! is provided through funding from the Michigan Department of Transportation, the Interurban Transit Partnership, and Community Development Block Grant funding. Call 616-632-7965 for registration and scheduling information.
Wheelchair Lift: yes with 2 lift capacity
Days and Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8AM – 4PM.
Geographical Area Served: Kent County
Fees/Fares: $2 requested rideshare
Who We Serve: Seniors and Disabilities
How Much Notice is Necessary: 1 week is requested.
Eligibility: All Kent County residents 65 years of age or older and persons of any age with a disability. Service area is limited to locations not currently served by The Rapid’s fixed route and ADA paratransit (GO!Bus) services. Trips may be scheduled to any address within Kent County as long as either the beginning location or the final destination falls within the program’s service area.
Proof of Eligibility: Yes