Public transit system for Holland/Zeeland area. Hourly fixed bus routes and Reserve-A-MAX paratransit services for ADA eligible passengers, Seniors 70+ and persons farther than 1/2 mile from fixed route bus stop. Buses equipped with bike racks. Door-to-door assistance available upon request.
Wheelchair Lift: yes (600 lb weight limit)
Days and Hours of Operation: FIXED ROUTES: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am – 7:00 pm, Saturday, Not at this time. NO SUNDAY SERVICE. RESERVE-A-MAX: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am – Midnight, Saturday 10:00 am – Midnight. NO SUNDAY SERVICE.
Geographical Area Served: Holland, Holland Twp., Park Twp., Zeeland, and some parts of Zeeland Twp.
Fees/Fares: FIXED ROUTES – $1.15/Adult, $.50/Child (5-17 yrs.), $.50/Seniors (65+), $.50/ADA card holders, and $.50/Medicare cardholders. RESERVE-A-MAX – (One Way) $5.50/Adult, $2.30/child (5-17 yrs.), $2.30 Seniors (70+), $2.30/ADA cardholders.
Who We Serve: Seniors, Youth, Work, Persons with Disabilities, General Public
How Much Notice is Necessary: No notice for fixed routes; The Reserve-A-MAX rides need to be scheduled by 4:00 PM the business day before, but recommended to be made a week in advance.
Eligibility: Fixed bus routes open to public; Reserve-A-MAX rides for ADA, seniors 70+, and persons farther than ½ mile from fixed route bus stop.
Proof of Eligibility: ADA passengers must carry MAX issued ADA ID on both services. Others may be asked to provide ID when carrying other passes or Medicare cards.