300 Ellsworth Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Contact: Info Desk
[email protected]
The Rapid operates fixed-route, demand-response, contracted service, and rideshare services for people in the greater Grand Rapids area. The Rapid is overseen by a 15-member board of directors that represent the six municipalities in The Rapid service area.
Wheelchair Lift: yes (600 lb weight limit)
Days and Hours of Operation:
- Info Center
- Monday – Friday 7am – 5pm
- Weekday Service
- 5:30am – 10:30pm
- Saturday 6am – 10pm
- Sunday 7am – 7pm
Geographical Area Served: Service area includes East Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, Grandville, Kentwood, Walker, and Wyoming. Contracted service area varies by contracting agency. All fixed-routes are open to the general public.
Fees/Fares: www.ridetherapid.org/tickets-fares
Who We Serve: Seniors, Medical, Youth, Work, Persons with Disabilities, General Public
How Much Notice is Necessary: 24 hours for demand response trips
Eligibility: Varies by program
Proof of Eligibility: Yes for ADA and discounted fares